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Author: Helen Calvert
Team Management | The No Bullsh*t Guide to Managing a team
Welcome to episode 11. This week we’re talking all things team management. If you find yourself questioning your team’s passion, drive and commitment you need to take a step back and focus on a few key truths. Everyone is different and you can’t expect your team to match your drive for your business – it…
Waking up is not the start of your day…
If you are a parent of young children, your day does not start when you wake up. What starts when you open your eyes is your children’s day…
Reward yourself!
Why is rewarding ourselves so important, apart from the fact that it’s an act of self love that we all deserve? Well, it’s all about balance…
Leadership |The No Bullsh*t Guide to being a good leader
Welcome to episode 10. Are you happy wearing the hat that says ‘leader’? Not everyone is and that’s ok, but it’s a fact of life that we are occasionally called upon to take on the role, despite our possible aversion to it. In this episode we look at why your businesses needs good leadership; what…
Laughter for Mental Health
For this week’s blog I have a guest contributor, Sara Kay of Serious Laughter. Sara had depression in January 2016 and life was a bit grim.A chance Laughter workshop at a wellbeing day changed all that.She discovered that laughter was definitely missing – little did she know all the benefits which would unfold. Since training…
Social Media and Belonging
Our brains cannot distinguish between things that happen to us in real life and things we see on TV/social media. They also cannot distinguish between members of our genuine inner circle, and people we see a lot of on Facebook and Twitter. This is why we need to be very careful about what we watch…
Being the boss | The No Bullsh*t Guide to Being the best boss – to yourself and others
Welcome to episode 9. We’re back to business this week and I’m asking you a question – What type of boss are you? Many people set out to work for themselves after negative experiences working for a someone who treated them badly. Of course, self-employment brings many freedoms but I’ve seen many people get stuck…
It’s all a crab bucket
Have you heard the phrase “crab bucket”? I came across it in the Terry Pratchett novel “Unseen Academicals”, which centres around the fortunes of three football fans who work in the kitchens of a university. It struck me as such a recognisable phenomenon, and indeed it is a widely known idea – the “crab mentality”.…
A Tale of Five Women
I told this story to a friend the other day and she encouraged me to turn it into a blog post. It is about five women whom I met when I was working at a residential home for the elderly in my student days. I worked in the kitchens and as a cleaner at the…
Self Care |The No Bullsh*t Guide to self care
Welcome to episode 8. This week I’m talking about self-care, but I’m not referring to bubble baths and scented candles here. Have you ever stopped to think about how you talk to yourself in your own head? Would you talk to a loved one in the same way? If the answer is no then please…