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Author: Helen Calvert
Meet Our Headline Sponsor – The Spicy Brain Collective | The No Bullsh*t Guide to a Happier Life
Welcome to episode 94! We’re taking a break from our usual format to introduce the headline sponsor for Series 5 – Stephanie Ward of the Spicy Brain Collective! Stephanie opens up about her journey as a neurodivergent entrepreneur, sharing how her experiences have shaped both her business and her passion for supporting fellow business owners…
Creating the life you want | The No Bullsh*t Guide to a Happier Life
Welcome back to series 5, episode 93. Despite navigating autistic burnout and recovering from the flu, the incredible support of our community has inspired this return. This season, we’re exploring life from an autistic perspective while integrating insights on work-life balance and personal happiness. As your host, I’ve always shared strategies that have helped me…
Battery Power
I got so excited when I saw this post on Instagram this morning from @ourchronicillnesstribe. The post is aimed at people navigating chronic illness, but it really spoke to my experience of autism and autistic burnout. First off, these are the images from the post: As I say, I got very excited and immediately listed…
What’s Next? | The No Bullsh*t Guide to a Happier Life
Welcome to episode 92. This week I’m sharing my personal experiences of autistic burnout and what this means to me and the people around me. This is an exposing and vulnerable fifteen minutes laying bare the realities of living with neurodiversity, but also a rallying call to all my amazing listeners to help me shape…
There’s More to Life than Lists | The No Bullsh*t Guide to a Happier Life
Welcome to episode 91. We live in a time where there’s more in life to manage than ever before, so in this episode I’m exploring a deeper perspective on our relationship with productivity, and asking – what are we missing out on in pursuit of getting all the shit done? By understanding that there’s life…
It’s All Projects | The No Bullsh*t Guide to a Happier Life
Welcome to episode 90. Today we take a look at how we can make non-work events less overwhelming by identifying and organising them into projects – just as you would in your business or your work. If you’re in charge of organising a family holiday, pulling off Christmas or managing the people or pets in…
Is Anyone Else in Your Household Doing Shit? | The No Bullsh*t Guide to a Happier Life
Welcome to episode 89. Are you the one doing ‘all the things’ in your household? Does it feel like too much? Today we take a careful look into the dynamics of household responsibilities and the importance of sharing the mental load. Creating an equal partnership with the other capable people in your home is a…
Help I’m Overwhelmed | The No Bullsh*t Guide to a Happier Life
Welcome to episode 88. Still feeling overwhelmed despite all your structured task lists and well-planned projects? I’m here for you! In today’s episode, I share actionable tips to refresh your system – from changing up your planning tools to seeking help from friends or professionals. Remember, no one system works forever – novelty keeps us…
Remembering Why We Do Shit | The No Bullsh*t Guide to a Happier Life
Welcome to episode 87. Today’s episode is about remembering why we do sh*t. It’s easy to get sidetracked by the day-to-day running of your life, so when that stale, unmotivated feeling hits how should we respond? In this episode I share some simple ways to get clarity on how you want your life to be…
Getting Shit Done on a Bad Day | The No Bullsh*t Guide to a Happier Life
Welcome to episode 86. Getting shit done on a bad day. We all have days when the overwhelm is just too much and our motivation is through the floor. So how do we move past this when there are demands on us that can’t be put off? In this episode I share my simple tips…