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Author: Helen Calvert
Gratitude Practice | The No Bullsh*t Guide to a Happier Life
Welcome to episode 40. What is gratitude practice and how can it contribute to a happier life? My opinions on gratitude have changed over the years, so I’m especially excited to share my perspective with you in this episode. Here I explore the different ways we can view and record gratitude, and how we can…
How did I self-publish a book?
The No Bullsh*t Guide To A Happier Life went on sale this week via my website, and I am so excited to be able to share it with you all! The book has grown out of my podcast of the same name, and I have self-published it, so I’ve had to figure out everything as…
Going Deeper | The No Bullsh*t Guide to a Happier Life
Welcome to episode 39. Are you ready to go a bit deeper? This week I’m exploring three specific activities that can help you to dive deep below the surface of your busy mind, to help quieten the racing thoughts and find a deeper level of relaxation and release. These activities are Yoga Nidra, floating and…
Pleasure | The No Bullsh*t Guide to a Happier Life
Welcome to episode 38. Today I’m talking about how pleasure, both sexual and non-sexual, fits into your toolkit for a happier life – and there’s a lot to dismantle, especially when it comes to sex. Ideas around pleasure being something we should all be entitled to is something I strongly uphold, but indulging ourselves to…
Being in Nature | The No Bullsh*t Guide to a Happier Life
Welcome to episode 37. Are you getting out into nature enough? We can often overlook the importance of spending time outdoors, but by taking the time to spend ‘quality’ time in nature we give ourselves time to slow down and appreciate the world around us. In this episode I share my experiences of a week…
Cooking | The No Bullsh*t Guide to a Happier Life
Welcome to episode 36. What feelings arise for you around cooking? I’ve found it to be one of those very polarising topics, and I am at the uncomfortable end of the spectrum for sure! The value judgements we put upon ourselves around food and feeding our loved ones can be so ingrained that we miss…
Yoga | The No Bullsh*t Guide to a Happier Life
Welcome to episode 35. In today’s episode I’m talking about yoga. I have never committed to a weekly class, BUT it is an activity that I partake in frequently on my own terms and at my own pace, and this works really well for me. In this episode I illustrate how beneficial yoga can be…
Creativity | The No Bullsh*t Guide to a Happier Life
Welcome to episode 34. In today’s episode I’m exploring the ideas and beliefs around creativity. What does creativity mean to you? For many people, taking part in a creative activity gives us an opportunity to let go of negative emotions and release tension that can build up in our minds and bodies. By throwing out…
The 5AM Club | The No Bullsh*t Guide to a Happier Life
Welcome to episode 33. We could all do with a few extra hours each day, so what happens when you claim that time intentionally and make a commitment to starting your day at 5am? For this episode I spent a week in the 5am club to test out the impact of getting up early each…
Why do we need a toolkit? | The No Bullsh*t Guide to a Happier Life
Welcome to episode 32. It’s easy to lose sight of how important our own well-being is, especially with life as hectic as it is, so in this episode I’m rounding up a quick reminder of why these tools are so important, and how they benefit not only ourselves but the people closest to us. In…