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Category: Podcast
Parenting | The No Bullsh*t Guide to the experience of parenting
Welcome to episode 13. The rewards of being a parent can be huge – the excitement, fun, adventure and potential for great personal growth are some of the unmissable benefits, but on the flip side there can be a lot of anxiety, frustration, exhaustion and often crippling self-doubt that can leave you in tatters. We…
Work Life Balance | The No Bullsh*t Guide to balancing work and life
Welcome to episode 12. In this episode we’re exploring the notions of work/life balance and how this applies to the modern-day adult. Our time is taken up by so many commitments these days – children, relationships, community, friendships – so it’s easy to see how we can quickly become overwhelmed and resentful when these things…
Team Management | The No Bullsh*t Guide to Managing a team
Welcome to episode 11. This week we’re talking all things team management. If you find yourself questioning your team’s passion, drive and commitment you need to take a step back and focus on a few key truths. Everyone is different and you can’t expect your team to match your drive for your business – it…
Leadership |The No Bullsh*t Guide to being a good leader
Welcome to episode 10. Are you happy wearing the hat that says ‘leader’? Not everyone is and that’s ok, but it’s a fact of life that we are occasionally called upon to take on the role, despite our possible aversion to it. In this episode we look at why your businesses needs good leadership; what…
Being the boss | The No Bullsh*t Guide to Being the best boss – to yourself and others
Welcome to episode 9. We’re back to business this week and I’m asking you a question – What type of boss are you? Many people set out to work for themselves after negative experiences working for a someone who treated them badly. Of course, self-employment brings many freedoms but I’ve seen many people get stuck…
Self Care |The No Bullsh*t Guide to self care
Welcome to episode 8. This week I’m talking about self-care, but I’m not referring to bubble baths and scented candles here. Have you ever stopped to think about how you talk to yourself in your own head? Would you talk to a loved one in the same way? If the answer is no then please…
Self Worth |The No Bullsh*t Guide to self worth
Welcome to episode 7. In this episode we are going deep! Self-worth is the central force of all the things we do and having it unlocks the door to a happy and fulfilling life. Yet we are reluctant to invest time and energy into giving ourselves the care and attention we need to feel that…
Mindset | The No Bullsh*t Guide to creating a healthy mindset
Welcome to episode 6. Why is it so difficult to put into practice all of the advice we hear about being our best selves and running a successful business? The answer – most of us suffer from frequent overwhelm and lack of self-belief! This episode focuses on how these powerful mindset blocks need to be…
Networking | The No Bullsh*t Guide to Networking
Welcome to episode 5. Ever walked into a networking event and felt like you’ve walked into the wrong room? Don’t panic! It doesn’t mean you’re bad at networking, you just haven’t found the right group yet! In this episode I share my experiences of networking for the first time as a business owner and how…
Marketing | The No Bullsh*t Guide to marketing your business
The best marketing starts from within. We’ve all been subjected to pushy sales reps and we know how uncomfortable that can be, so would you be relieved if I was to tell you that great marketing is actually the complete opposite? In this episode I share the golden rules of self-promotion and how it doesn’t…