Mindfulness | The No Bullsh*t Guide to Being in the Moment

Welcome to episode 19. Being in the moment is one of those phrases we can put in the ‘easier said than done’ category. We all know that ‘being in the moment’ or being ‘mindful’ is something we should be practicing in our daily lives but the truth is we’re often too busy to notice or too distracted to do anything about it. In this episode I talk about how we often ignore the opportunities for rest and recuperation we so desperately need because, if we’re honest, we’re simply all too scared to stop.

In this episode:

  • How the three main states of being can be defined and how to identify your time to pause.
  • What stopping really means and why it’s so important
  • Why giving yourself permission to stop and be mindful is the hardest but most important step in being mindful.

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