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Category: No BS Coach blog post
Have A Coffee With… Serena Gasparini
“I have used self employed life to let my energy lead me rather than a tight routine or schedule.“ Today I am having a coffee with Serena Gasparini of Sense & Forum, who has kindly agreed to answer my questions about her no BS happier life… Q. How long have you been self-employed, and how…
Removing myself from Enterprising You
Sometimes, very rarely, we get the opportunity to stand up for our values, be true to ourselves and own our own story without complication, grey area or second guessing. I had one such opportunity last week. Owning my own story is a key value of mine, and it’s something I encourage all of my clients…
A coffee with… Vanisha Patel
I can literally wake up whenever I want to, do whatever I want to, each and every single day! Today I am having a coffee with Vanisha Patel of Make an Impact on your Social Media, who has kindly agreed to answer my questions about her no BS happier life… Q. How long have you…
A coffee with… Emily Jolliffe
There is another way if you don’t fit in a job-shaped hole Today I am having a coffee with Emily Jolliffe of Get Clarity: Let Go, who has kindly agreed to answer my questions about her no BS happier life… Q. How long have you been self-employed, and how do you make the most of…
A coffee with… Viki Clapham
In business I work with people to try to help them to slow down and look for connection in their relationships. And I try to do the same in my personal life too. Today I am having a coffee with Viki Clapham of Pebble Family Therapeutic Services, who has kindly agreed to answer my questions…
The Call to Adventure
“…the most heroic of all acts is the courage to discover who you are and what you would like to be.” Bill Moyer speaking about Joseph Campbell Your life has been a series of heroic journeys and adventures, and there are more still to come. Don’t believe me? Don’t feel much like a hero? Allow…
A coffee with… Kate Brown
“I’m allowing myself more and more to be who I really am – and that’s the kindest thing I can do for myself.” Today I am having a coffee with Kate Brown of Calm at Work and Calm at Home, who has kindly agreed to answer my questions about her no BS happier life… Q.…
How did I self-publish a book?
The No Bullsh*t Guide To A Happier Life went on sale this week via my website, and I am so excited to be able to share it with you all! The book has grown out of my podcast of the same name, and I have self-published it, so I’ve had to figure out everything as…
You have permission…
Many of the business owners I coach seek my permission for all kinds of activities and emotions. They may not realise that is what they are asking for, but my telling them that it is okay to do something or feel something is hugely reassuring to them. I wish my permission was the answer, because…
Positive Self-Talk Ladder to Confidence
You will know by now how passionate I am about the importance of speaking kindly to ourselves. I have discussed this idea before in this blog and on my podcast, and next week I am hosting 7 days of content all about positive self-talk – my Positive Self-Talk Ladder to Confidence. You can get involved…