Pleased to meet you | The No Bullsh*t Guide to a Happier Life

Welcome to the episode 45 of the No Bullshit podcast! Season three is promising to be a journey of self-discovery, so hold on tight and letโ€™s get stuck in!

Taking time to stop and hold our own gaze long enough for our true feelings to rise up is no easy task, and something I bet many of us (myself included) would avoid whenever possible. But in todayโ€™s episode Iโ€™m challenging you to do just that. To look at yourself in the mirror, uninterrupted and ask โ€˜who am I?โ€™. This series is all about exploring the relationship we have with ourselves and how accepting our emotions for what they are rather than letting them define us can give us power to live our lives without guilt, shame or judgement. So, are you pleased to meet you?

In this episode:

  • Why we find it so uncomfortable to look truly ourselves in the eye.
  • Distinguishing between our emotions and our behaviour.
  • Why judging ourselves is the biggest barrier to getting to know ourselves.
  • How acceptance is the key to letting go of the negativity and perusing a happier life.

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