Team Management | The No Bullsh*t Guide to Managing a team

Welcome to episode 11. This week weโ€™re talking all things team management. If you find yourself questioning your teamโ€™s passion, drive and commitment you need to take a step back and focus on a few key truths. Everyone is different and you canโ€™t expect your team to match your drive for your business โ€“ it isnโ€™t possible and it isnโ€™t fair. What you CAN do is motivate them as much as possible by setting clear expectations, rewards and consequences. In this episode I highlight the exact things you need to implement to have a happy and motivated team, no matter what size it is.

Main points:

  • Understanding what motivates your individual team members will unlock their productivity (spoiler alert โ€“ itโ€™s different for everyone).
  • Having clear expectations and rewards will help you team perform better โ€“ especially the rewards!
  • Why rewarding yourself as the business owner is often overlooked and why you should start doing it now.
  • Being crystal clear on your business values from the start and communicating them to your team is the foundation of all good team management.

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