Parenting | The No Bullsh*t Guide to the experience of parenting

Welcome to episode 13. The rewards of being a parent can be huge – the excitement, fun, adventure and potential for great personal growth are some of the unmissable benefits, but on the flip side there can be a lot of anxiety, frustration, exhaustion and often crippling self-doubt that can leave you in tatters. We all need an opportunity to switch off from the intense responsibility, to re-calibrate and restore ourselves, just as we need to switch off from our demanding day-job. This episode takes a reality check on the thoughts and judgements around parenting and how we need to normalise asking for help to get the break that we need.

In this episode we cover:

  • Why taking a break from parenting is essential for our mental well-being and our ability to do the job well.
  • The unhealthy and untrue belief held by some that if you don’t enjoy your children all the time you are a bad parent.
  • How, much like in the world of work, everyone has different success criteria with their own parenting and shouldn’t judge or be judged.

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3 responses to “Parenting | The No Bullsh*t Guide to the experience of parenting”

  1. Caroline Boardman avatar
    Caroline Boardman

    Every episode of Helen Calvert’s podcast is my favourite!

    By that I mean, when I listen to a new one it is so good that it becomes my new favourite. They are all blooming brilliant, I promise you.

    Employed or self-employed… it doesn’t matter, give it a listen.

    This one covers “the experience of parenting” and NOT parenting tips which is SO refreshing! Helen has a fabulous way of cutting through the BS and getting to the core of most issues so you always know it will be insightful and none judgemental.

    Thank you Helen for bringing the No Bullshit Guide to a Happier Life into the world!

    1. ClearDay avatar

      Thank you so much for all of your support Caroline!

  2. Warning, this episode contains truths about parenting that anyone, and society as a whole would benefit from recognising!

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