Creativity | The No Bullsh*t Guide to a Happier Life

Welcome to episode 34. In todayโ€™s episode Iโ€™m exploring the ideas and beliefs around creativity. What does creativity mean to you? For many people, taking part in a creative activity gives us an opportunity to let go of negative emotions and release tension that can build up in our minds and bodies. By throwing out the idea you need to be good at something to be creative can free us up to explore new and fulfilling ways of expressing ourselves. Listen in to find out more!

In this episode:

  • How challenging our beliefs around creativity can open us up to new and exciting opportunities.
  • Creativity as a tool to release stress – how focusing on the process rather than the outcome can help us to live more in the moment and re-balance our emotional selves.
  • How smashing the expectation that you need to produce an end product leads to more fulfilling creative experiences.

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4 responses to “Creativity | The No Bullsh*t Guide to a Happier Life”

  1. Viki clapham avatar
    Viki clapham

    Thank you for sharing this podcast. (I think podcasting is also creative btw). Itโ€™s been a really insightful listen for me. I work as a creative arts play therapist with children, so I have the opportunity everyday to see children using creative mediums to express their thoughts. Children generally do this really well (when in the right conditions) so we can learn a lot from them if we are feeling stuck. Playing & being creative seems to get more and more rules stacked on top of it as we grow older. So my thoughts are to regress – be a younger version of yourself, play and create in anyway that feels good.
    (Additional creative things Iโ€™d add on top of the things you mentioned in your podcast would be drama, writing stories or plays, puppets, putting on shows, playing in sand, movement and dance, making dens).

    1. ClearDay avatar

      I love this Viki – be a younger version of ourselves to tap into our creativity, what a wonderful idea. I am so glad you enjoyed the episode, thank you for listening. H.x

  2. You asked for thoughts, so here is 10 minutes of my pre-prepared thoughts on creativity:

    This comes from a software developer who had a similar revelation to you a while back. I always thought that creativity meant “visual arts” or “crafts”, and the term is used to mean that in so many cases.

    But I’ve come to see that I have (and YOU have) a creative spirit that expresses itself in (in my case) even the most geeky of ways (tell me you’ve never heard of “creative accountancy”?)

    I love this podcast, and this episode in particular. Thank you.

    1. ClearDay avatar

      Thank you so much Ross – that is great talk and such useful insights on creativity, thank you for sharing.

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