Our Boundaries | The No Bullsh*t Guide to a Happier Life

Welcome to episode 52. What does the phrase “upholding your boundaries” bring up for you? In this episode, I talk about how our boundaries are intrinsically linked to our foundational values, wishes and needs yet we can still struggle to uphold them, often opting for people pleasing over the feeling of discomfort. How does this work for you? Join me as I explore the truths about boundaries and how you can banish the bullsh*t to live a happier, more balanced life.

In this episode:

  • Challenging the idea that our boundaries need to be defined or justified to others to be valid.
  • Upholding our boundaries is an act of self-love โ€“ are you showing up for yourself?
  • Exploring the discomfort that often comes with upholding your boundaries.
  • Not all boundaries are created equal โ€“ how some can be subtle but just as important.

Mentioned in this episode: The Please Yourself online workshop by mindset coach Carol Nesbitt.

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If you would like to know more about how coaching works or to work with me 1-2-1, please visit https://www.clear-day.co.uk/coaching/

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