A coffee with… Emily Jolliffe

There is another way if you don’t fit in a job-shaped hole

Today I am having a coffee with Emily Jolliffe of Get Clarity: Let Go, who has kindly agreed to answer my questions about her no BS happier life…

Q. How long have you been self-employed, and how do you make the most of the freedom that self-employment brings?

A. Iโ€™ve been self-employed for over three years.

For me, making the most of the freedom that brings means walking, yoga and putting on the washing in daylight. It means picking up my kids from school. It means showing my neuro-divergent children there is another way if you donโ€™t fit in a job shaped hole. And it means continually seeking and being my own inspiration.

Q. What are you passionate about – in business and in life?

A. Iโ€™m passionate about freedom! Also about self-care and wellbeing, community. Plus singing, being in the woods, my soppy dog, and of course food…

Q. What brings you joy?

A. Oh so many things. Rainbows. Harmonies. Wasabi. The Clash. Handmade things. Espaรฑol. Friendship. I could go on...

Q: How do you nurture yourself when you do something that is outside of your comfort zone?

A: Mainly through naps, walks, talking & stretching it out.

Q. How do you show yourself excessive kindness?

A. For me this is all about putting myself to bed, in the bath, or in front of some nourishing food.

Q. What is one thing about being a business owner that you have learned is BS?

A. That you have to do it all yourself. That is definitely not true.

Q. What will be your next adventure?

A. Hmm, maybe Zambia…? There will certainly be spiritual adventures.

Q. An important part of owning our own story is being able to state who we are without explanation. Tell us something about yourself / your preferences / your needs without any background or context:

A. Iโ€™ve helped and continue to help my own three neuro-divergent children and use that experience to support other parents often on the same path.
We donโ€™t have to take no for an answer, give up hope or be fobbed off.
We can hope and life can always improve.

Q. Who are you looking to work with, and how can people get in touch?

A. I work with parents of neurodivergent and anxious children. If that’s you, please get in touch via emily@getclarity-letgo.co.uk or through my Special Parenting Together Facebook group.

My thanks to Emily for allowing me to share her insights! Look out for more interviews with members of my wonderful business network coming soon.

Helen Calvert
The No Bullsh*t Coach
February 2023


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