Pleasure | The No Bullsh*t Guide to a Happier Life

Welcome to episode 38. Today Iโ€™m talking about how pleasure, both sexual and non-sexual, fits into your toolkit for a happier life – and thereโ€™s a lot to dismantle, especially when it comes to sex. Ideas around pleasure being something we should all be entitled to is something I strongly uphold, but indulging ourselves to numb pain and ignore the bigger issues can throw up some red flags. Join me as I talk about the triggers, the needs and the outcomes of embracing pleasure as part of your toolkit for a happier life.

In this episode:

  • How our views on pleasure and indulgence are often shaped during our childhood โ€“ often with negative results, especially when it comes to sex.
  • Knowing the difference between using pleasure as a tool to address a genuine need, versus indulgent pleasure to block out feelings or numb ourselves of a deeper pain.
  • How society has built polarised stigma about how women should or shouldnโ€™t experience sexual pleasure, and why itโ€™s time to re-write your narrative so you can take pleasure in your body without the guilt.

Join me for my virtual book launch party – Monday 3 October 8-9pm BST

Or in person – Tuesday 4 October 12-2pm BST

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