Now that you’re your own boss…

…how the hell do you make it work?

Worry not. I have been running my own businesses since 2018 and I can share with you everything that I have learned. Just scroll down to find all of the resources and support that you need.

Everything you need is here:

1:1 Coaching

Let’s work together, online or in person if you are local to me in south Manchester.

Get the book

The No Bullsh*t Guide To A Happier Life is the must-have guide for business owners!

Check out the podcast

Series 1 of my podcast is all about how to approach the adventure of being self-employed.

Business Elevation – Interior Designers

Qualified in interior design but no idea how to grow your business? Amy Newton and I have the answer.

Read the blogs

Check out my blog posts that focus on making the most of your self-employed freedom.

Outsource the boring sh*t

Need practical help and an experienced helping hand? Check out the wonderful team at my business support agency.

โ€œHelenโ€™s coaching is brilliant! After being on the verge of burnout last year, Helen helped me redefine my business and personal goals, set some boundaries, and put practical actions in place to achieve them. She is an excellent and highly empathic listener โ€“ our sessions went far beyond โ€˜business stuffโ€™ but Helen didnโ€™t bat an eyelid and was unfailingly kind and supportive. Having never had a coach before, I am now a convert. Wouldnโ€™t hesitate to recommend.โ€

Kathryn Rodgers

face2faceHR Newcastle

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