Podcast Sneak Peek…

I am so grateful for all of the fantastic feedback I have had about the launch of my new podcast, The No Bullsh*t Guide To A Happier Life, which will be coming in your ears (as Peter Kay would say) on Tuesday 25 May. 

The above is a sneak peek of episode 2, which is The No Bullsh*t Guide To Productivity. I’d love to know what you think! My lovely podcast logo has been produced by Vicky Murray of VCM Graphic Design and I am chuffed with it.

I have been asking my audience what are their Top 3 no bullsh*t tips for a happier life and these are some of the brilliant responses:

Ditch anyone who doesn’t treat you with respect

Don’t compare yourselves or your business to others

Don’t undervalue yourself, your work, or your time

Imperfect action is better than no action

Take time out for yourself

You are allowed to say no sometimes without having to justify yourself

Go with where the energy is

What anyone else thinks of you has nothing to do with you

Doing nothing is also ok, you don’t have to always be ON

You don’t have to think being a mum is the best thing ever all the time, sometimes it’s rubbish

What would be yours?

The key to a successful podcast launch is to have lots of people subscribing in last 5 days – and particularly the last 24 hours – before the launch date. That way I will land in a good spot in the podcast charts, and apparently that’s what it is all about. So I am not asking you to subscribe just yet – all I ask is that you help me to talk about the launch on social media and get excited with me as we count down to the big day!

In the meantime, please remember to be excessively kind to yourself, and to squeeze every last drop of enjoyment out of life.



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